Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hi everyone!

I’ve been having so much fun visiting Joey’s Uncle Dennis & Aunt Tashia in Virginia. They taught me to use the internet so I could create my own blog. I’ve become a blog-o-maniac!

Off to Colorado...

Aunt Tashia didn't even have time to get me any new clothes before I got on a plane to the capital of Colorado. Do you know what the capital of Colorado is? Miss Tashia took me to a conference of the Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD), so I could learn all about you kids. It was cool to fly on the plane.

At the SRCD conference...

At the SRCD conference, Miss Tashia talked about the importance of the relationship between teachers and you kids.


When I returned to Virginia, Uncle Dennis bought me some clothes and took me to school. I learned all about Sigmund Freud and I learned some cool stuff about dreaming. I also learned some weird stuff about my mom, but I don’t really believe all that.

Giving blood....

Hey, you know what’s really neat? Giving blood. I learned that whenever you donate a pint of blood, you can save the lives of three people. So Uncle Dennis and I gave blood. It didn’t hurt, and I got cookies and a cool t-shirt.

Yoga class...

Uncle Dennis also took me to yoga class. Yoga can be really hard, but I learned a couple neat moves. I learned downward dog…

And this move...

…and this move is called side plank pose, or Vasisthasana:

On our very last night...

On our last night together, Uncle Dennis & Aunt Tashia took me to see a play. I was so popular in Virginia that they made a play about me. It was cool to be the star of the play.

It sure has been fun...

It sure has been fun to be in Charlottesville, Virginia. It happens to be the home of Thomas Jefferson, who was especially important to all of us in the United States. Also, the beautiful Appalachian Trial runs right through the area. Here I am overlooking the trail. It sure would be fun to hike the whole thing one day.

I should be home soon...

I should be home soon. I miss everyone, but I've learned this: Even when I miss people, dogs make me happy.

I can’t wait to see everyone.